Evropska noć istraživača održana je 27. septembra u gradovima širom Evrope. Tom prilikom, u Rijeci je javnosti prvi put prikazan...

The unique setting of the Jevremovac Botanical Garden made a perfect backdrop for the opening of the 9th edition of the art+science festival. A special choir performance by the artist Sanja Anđelković also...

Festival Ars Elektronika i ovog septembra oduševio je posetioce svojim programom i sadržajima, nadmašivši očekivanja i oborivši dosadašnje rekorde u...

Deveto izdanje art+science festivala Centra za promociju nauke održaće se od 25. septembra do 31. oktobra u Botaničkoj bašti „Jevremovac“. Tematski usredsređen...

In the quiet hum of a laboratory, a scientist adjusts the parameters on a machine capable of sequencing the genomes of a forest soil microbiome...

The Garden of Sound is a collection of sound and audio-visual installations that connect radiophonic art and botany, exploring the relationships between humans, plants, animals, and...

The Garden of Sound is a collection of sound and audio-visual installations that connect radiophonic art and botany, exploring the relationships between humans, plants, animals, and...

The Garden of Sound is a collection of sound and audio-visual installations that connect radiophonic art and botany, exploring the relationships between humans, plants, animals, and...

The Garden of Sound is a collection of sound and audio-visual installations that connect radiophonic art and botany, exploring the relationships between humans, plants, animals, and...

Stowaways is an interactive, site-specific installation, which deals with archiving biological data of plants located in the central part of the greenhouse...

The installation explores the intersection of art, science, and technology by creating a metaphorical digital twin of the "Wood Wide Web" – the global underground network...

The book-object titled Thymus serpyllum is the result of an experimental process involving the manipulation of a traditional graphic technique known as drypoint...

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