International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Humanities(ICAIH)

The International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Humanities(ICAIH) is a part of the program at the Institute at Chung-ang University, Korea. The Humanities Research Institute is holding its 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Humanities(ICAIH 2021) online on October 2, 2021 (Saturday).

This international conference is organized with the presentations of about 27 scholars from 10 countries including keynote speeches of Toru Ishida(Waseda Univ., Japan) and Toby Walsh(UNSW, Australia).

It is expected that there will be active interdisciplinary exchanges as experts from various fields will be participating.

ICAIH 2021 will be held under the main theme of „The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Humans and Society“ and the sub-theme of „Envisioning Future with Intelligent Agents and A.I.“. The aim is to open a place for in-depth academic exchange with researchers in various fields participating in this international conference. 

The 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Humanities

▣ THEME: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Humans and Society – Envisioning Future with Intelligent Agents and A.I.  

▣ PARTICIPATION: Online Conference (ZOOM Webinar)

▣ DATE: October 2, 2021 10:00 ~ 18:30 (KST)


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