Open Call for Artist Residence: EU Digital Deal

Together with our partners on the European Digital Deal project, we have published an open call for 12 artistic residencies that explore the deep entanglement of new technologies and democracy.

Artists are invited to explore a range of topics, from the notion of truth in an information age shaped by algorithms, bias in artificial intelligence, techno-anxiety, to new forms of surveillance, life or work. You can find more information about the challenges, the residency hosts and the expert group for each residency HERE.

The residency, hosted by the Center for the Promotion of Science, will focus on the question of how accelerated digitization affects the aging population.

Selected artists will receive a grant of 25,000 euros for the production of their project, mentoring through the work realization program and the opportunity to present their work at festivals organized by project partners such as Ars Electronica, Onassis Stegi and Laboral.

The call is open from September 28 to November 30, 2023 at 11:59 p.m.

To find out more about the call and to apply, visit the European Digital Deal project page.

European Digital Deal

The European Digital Deal project investigates how accelerated processes of digital transformation and the rise of technologies, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and algorithmic data processing, directly affect European democratic values ​​and the integrity of our democratic systems. A network of European and global partners, made up of actors from the cultural sector, artists, creatives, researchers, scientific institutions and representatives of the public sector, come together to explore how artistic perspectives can act as catalysts for sustainable innovation. Starting from January 1, 2023, and for the next three years, a consortium of 13 partners under the leadership of Ars Electronics from Linz, Austria will deal with these topics.

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