art+science festival in 2024 takes place from 25 September to 31 October in the unique environment of the Botanical Garden Jevremovac. Thematically focused on the impact of humans and technology on nature and biodiversity, the ninth art+science programme explores their interrelationship, dynamics and consequences. Selected artists from Serbia, Italy and the United Kingdom are presenting works which offer authentic interpretations and portrayals of related themes contextualised in the setting of Belgrade's Botanical Garden.

„Umetnost je može da na svoj specifičan estetski način obradi neke probleme ili potencijalne izazove i suoči javnost sa njima....

Međunarodna konferencija i forum EMERGE 2024: Etika uspostavljanja veštačke inteligencije, održana od 11. do 13. decembra u Beogradu, okupila je...

„Nasuprot današnjem vremenu koje nas, kako simbolički tako i fizički, guši, pritiska nam grudi, otežava nam govor i disanje, majčina...

The ninth edition of the art+science festival was closed at the Jevremovac Botanical Garden, where visitors had the opportunity to explore the challenges of human impact and technological progress on nature and ecosystems from 25...

U četvrtak, 31. oktobra, u Botaničkoj bašti „Jevremovac“, posebnim programom biće obeležen završetak ovogodišnjeg art+science festivala Centar za promociju nauke...

„Moj rad predstavlja jednu vrstu kompromisa: on koristi savremenu tehnologiju kako bi predstavio nešto što se ne može videti golim...

The third week of the art+science festival was marked by the participation of three esteemed curators and interdisciplinary researchers from Austria, Romania, and Bulgaria...

We invite you to visit the Interlacing exhibition and accompanying events of the art+science manifestation, which will be held in the beautiful...

The unique setting of the Jevremovac Botanical Garden made a perfect backdrop for the opening of the 9th edition of the art+science festival. A special choir performance by the artist Sanja Anđelković also...

Stowaways is an interactive, site-specific installation, which deals with archiving biological data of plants located in the central part of the greenhouse...

Deveto izdanje art+science festivala Centra za promociju nauke održaće se od 25. septembra do 31. oktobra u Botaničkoj bašti „Jevremovac“. Tematski usredsređen...

In the quiet hum of a laboratory, a scientist adjusts the parameters on a machine capable of sequencing the genomes of a forest soil microbiome...

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