a+s 2024

art+science festival in 2024 takes place from 25 September to 31 October in the unique environment of the Botanical Garden Jevremovac. Thematically focused on the impact of humans and technology on nature and biodiversity, the ninth art+science programme explores their interrelationship, dynamics and consequences. Selected artists from Serbia, Italy and the United Kingdom are presenting works which offer authentic interpretations and portrayals of related themes contextualised in the setting of Belgrade's Botanical Garden.

Dancing Trees is a site-specific dance theatre show created in collaboration with the Belgrade Dance Institute, which explores the importance of tree preservation. The show involves...

Raw Reverberation represents a harmonious fusion of science and art, where cutting-edge technologies are wielded not merely as tools but as mediums of artistic expression...

Nature unveiled or Stories about plants and workers is an ongoing artistic/curatorial hybrid project based on the exploration of the issues of (cultural / cultivating)...

Imagine a tree canopy – you in it. Far above the ground. Sounds of leaves crunching from the wind surround you. It is hot...

Ovogodišnji art+science festival održaće se od 25. septembra do 31. oktobra, u jedinstvenom ambijentu Botaničke bašte „Jevremovac“. Tematski fokusiran na...

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