Grupa umetnika i istraživača sa Univerziteta u Talinu po drugi put dolazi u Beograd da bi nastavila rad na umetničkom...

The Center for the Promotion of Science presented the European Digital Deal project, the art+science programme, and its productions at the STF Festival...

The ninth edition of the art+science festival was closed at the Jevremovac Botanical Garden, where visitors had the opportunity to explore the challenges of human impact and technological progress on nature and ecosystems from 25...

Gost i učesnik art&science 2023. bio je i Emanuel Golob, umetnik čiji su se radovi prethodno mogli videti u Arts...

Excerpt coming soon...

Tim Centra za promociju nauke učestvovao je od 6. do 8. marta 2023. na prvom radnom sastanku projekta EUropean Digital...