Climate Capsule

Climate Capsule is an innovative mobile installation that takes visitors to 2057, showing the consequences of climate change. The central part of the capsule is a hyper-realistic sculpture of a man, who serves as a symbol of human interaction with nature. Directly behind the sculpture, multimedia content depicts the future according to the latest scientific predictions.

Climate Capsule is an extraordinary experience and a direct encounter with climate change. This art/science installation isn’t just a passive display but a powerful call to climate action that emphasises the uniqueness, role, and responsibility of each of us in solving global challenges. A particularly impressive part of the experience is the introduction of augmented reality, where visitors can virtually explore the nature that surrounds them. Even in an urban environment, this technology allows visitors to see and experience the natural world, reminding them of its beauty and vulnerability.

Project team
Dobrivoje Lale Erić, CPN – project formation
Dr. Marjana Brkić, CPN – program and creative direction
Mirjana Utvić, CPN – creative direction, scenography and production
Prof. Dr. Vladimir Đurđević, Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade – scientific concept and review
Slobodan Vračarević – programing and technical support
Nenad Gajić – author of kinetic sculpture
Ph.D. Marko Stojanović – composition and sound design
Monica Lang – visual identity and illustration
David Stanley – video and mapping
Petar Brkić – narrator
Vasja Stanković – dramaturgy
Nikola and Bojana Damjanov – augmented reality

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