The Open art+science Call invites artists to collaborate with scientific communities to explore the potential of climate data, scientific research and climate services. It encourages art forms that merge scientific inquiry with artistic intervention to communicate the use of climate services, as it provides mentorship, residency in Belgrade, and support in developing, producing and showcasing the work across Eastern and South Eastern Europe.
Climate services provide tailored information and tools to help people, organizations, and governments make informed decisions about managing climate risks and seizing opportunities. By transforming raw data from large data sets — such as weather patterns and temperature trends — into practical solutions, they offer tools that help farmers plant crops, cities manage floods, businesses prepare for extreme weather and much more. With clear and reliable insights, climate services empower communities to adapt to climate change, protect lives, and build a more sustainable future.
Who Can Apply:
This open call welcomes individuals or collectives (up to five members), working across various media — performative, visual, multimedia, sound, digital, tactile, and more — who are committed to exploring and interpreting scientific data through creating immersive experiences.
How to Apply:
Applicants are expected to submit a conceptual proposal. The proposed work will be further developed and finalized through a collaborative co-creation process with the Center for the Promotion of Science, under the guidance of experts from the Climateurope2 consortium. This process will include a residency at a scientific institution in Belgrade, Serbia, and will take place during the production period (March—August 2025).
Selected projects will receive financial support for production costs, showcasing costs and artists’ fees. Final works will be presented at five locations across Eastern and South Eastern Europe, starting with the Climateurope2 festival in Belgrade, Serbia, in September 2025. The final work should be adaptable for digital reproduction and showcasing, enabling broader accessibility and sustained impact.
- Focus on innovative experience design and communication approaches that enhance public understanding of climate services.
- Capacity for collaborative development, with mentorship from the CPN team and the scientific community.
- Demonstrated experience and ability to organize and deliver high-quality work.
- Adaptability of the work for digital reproduction and showcasing.
- Commitment to values like sustainable production, data transparency, and scientific methodologies.
- Detailed budget: Feasibility within the given timeframe and budget.
- Consistency with the context and objectives of the Climateurope2 project.
- Compliance with legal and ethical standards.
- Mentorship and production support.
- Active exchange with local researchers and experts.
- Access to CPN resources and production amenities.
- Technical support and logistics.
- Presenting work at roadshows across Southeast and Eastern Europe.
- Promotion of work in media
Project Budget:
- Authors’ fee – 3,000 euros per project proposal,
- Production of work – up to 13,500 euros per project proposal, which includes:
- residency expenses (travel, accommodation, food),
- material to produce work,
- technical components of work,
- equipment rental,
- assembly and disassembly of work (transportation, physical support),
- fees for collaborators (defined at the beginning of the realization process).
- Call Opens: December 16, 2024
- Receiving Questions: by December 27, 2024
- Sending Answers: by January 10, 2025
- Submission Deadline: January 31, 2025
- Results Announced: February 21, 2025
- Development: Begins March 1, 2025
- First Exhibition: September 29 — October 1, 2025
- The application can be found at the following link .
Please send all questions to art-science@cpn.rs