Panel on the preservation of industrial heritage in our region

As part of this year's art+science program of the Center for the Promotion of Science, on November 7, in the Museum of Science and Technology, a panel of the regional project FASIH, dedicated to research and preservation of industrial heritage, took place.

The following participated in the panel:

Ada Vlajić, curator, Museum of Science and Technology
Milan Ličina, new media designer and creative technologist, Metropolitan University
Dobrivoje Lale Erić, head of the Department for International Cooperation, Center for the Promotion of Science

Ivan Stanić, senior curator at the Museum of Science and Technology, moderated the panel.

Photo: Marko Risovic

The FASIH project, through the language of art, followed by scientific research and new media and technologies, strives to connect modern models of revaluation and revitalization of the industrial heritage of three cities in the region (Rijeka, Trbovlje and Belgrade) with the topics of sustainability and environmental protection, using innovative digital tools and accelerated technological development.

Više informacija o projektu FASIH mogu se naći na ovom link.

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