a+s 2024


Stowaways je interaktivna instalacija site-specific karaktera, koja se bavi arhiviranjem bioloških podataka biljaka koje se nalaze u centralnom delu staklenika u Botaničkoj bašti Jevremovac u Beogradu. Rad se bazira na mapiranju 25 odabranih vrsta biljaka koje egzistiraju u zaštićenom prostoru, uz uzorke i interaktivne objekte, gde se može više saznati o njihovim karakteristikama.

Selected plants are labeled based on their native country and the location where they originate from, with the indication of their natural habitat. Those locations and the final destination of their migration form their living context. The archiving process includes a segment of reviewing the essence of these plants. They are biologically in the eventual necessity to adapt to a new artificial habitat within a greenhouse, which in this way assumes a role in emphasising their essence, function, importance, and unusualness... As natural–living exhibits in a new environment, they gain an additional sociological connotation. Through phytosociology i.e., plant sociology, a group of plant species that usually live together is studied and described in terms of their vegetative environment at a given territory. A specific community of plants in this case is considered a social unit, the product of certain conditions, present and past, and can exist only when such conditions are met. 

Along with the archiving of basic data for the survival of marked species, a database is compiled, which additionally includes exploring the collective symbiosis of cellulose and bacteria of selected plants with another type of cellulose, scoby, which develops through a natural process under artificial conditions as well.

Through the work Stowaways, the author initiates reflection on the interaction of natural and artificial environments of living and non-human systems, while deepening our understanding of the flora and their ecological role in a changing world.

Adrienn Újházi (1995, Novi Sad) completed her BA in 2018 and her MA in 2020 at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad, Department of Painting. Between 2020 and 2021 she worked as a professor at the Bogdan Šuput High School for Design (Novi Sad). From 2021 she works as an independent artist and continues informally to share her knowledge and experience in alternative artistic production through various initiatives. Adrienn explores the interdisciplinary territory between art, science, and technology, focusing on the relationship between humans and nature. In her work, she uses a range of artistic media with living cultural forms, to explore concepts concerning society’s relationship with the environment.

Dr. Bojan Kenig, Center for Promotion of Science; Ivana Živković, Institute of Botany and Jevremovac Botanical Garden, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade Slobodan Vračarević, Makerspace, Center for Promotion of Science

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