Possibilities of a landscape

The exhibition Possibilities of a landscape, which is part of the art+science program of the Center for the Promotion of Science in 2023, opened on October 5 in the Podroom gallery of the Belgrade Cultural Center.

The Center for the Promotion of Science, for the eighth year in a row, organizes the art+science event. Through the exhibition Possibilities of a Landscape and numerous accompanying programs, from October 5 to November 11, in the Podroom gallery of the Cultural Center of Belgrade, we continue numerous activities that explore the dynamic interspace of science and art and communicate scientific and technological topics and their impact on society.

The central place in the exhibition occupied the work Full line, broken line: The future of liminal landscapes, by the author's team consisting of Milena Putnik, Nemanja Lađić, Suzana Gavrilović and Milovan Milenković. This work was chosen by a unanimous decision of the jury at the Open call Changes drive changes for production within this year's art+science program of the Center for the Promotion of Science. About 220 artists and researchers responded to the Call with a total of 81 project applications.


The authors of the selected proposal worked from March to September 2023 on the development and production of the artistic work together with numerous collaborators and the team of the Center for the Promotion of Science.


Nemanja Lađić – Puna crta prekinuta crta_ Budućnost liminalnih predela




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