The ninth edition of the art+science festival was closed at the Jevremovac Botanical Garden, where visitors had the opportunity to explore the challenges of human impact and technological progress on nature and ecosystems from 25...
M1L3NɅ by the artist Anna Pinter from the organization "Tri Groša" was chosen as the winning project in the Climateurope2 open call - Climatised art+science Service...
Eksperimentalna platforma za klimatsku akciju Klimatska kapsula je mobilna i modularna instalacija zamišljena kao intenzivno iskustvo koje kroz naučne činjenice,...
Četvrtak, 5. maj — ponedeljak, 29. avgust 2022, The Curve Čovečanstvo pripada jednom neverovatnom ekosistemu. Vrsta smo koja, među milionima drugih,...
Austrijski umetnik, reditelj i ekološki aktivista Oliver Resler se skoro dvadeset godina bavi pitanjima klimatske krize i klimatske pravde. Prošlog meseca zatvorena...