The Center for the Promotion of Science initiated the art+science program in 2015 when several pilot activities were organized. The first art+science exhibition was organized at the Podroom Gallery of the Cultural Center of Belgrade in April 2016. Every year, the range of topics and the number of collaborations between artists and scientists grow, and in the archive, we keep all previous stories, works, artist biographies, photographs, and memories as a lasting inspiration.
M1L3NɅ by the artist Anna Pinter from the organization "Tri Groša" was chosen as the winning project in the Climateurope2 open call - Climatised art+science Service...
15. novembarMejkers spejs, Kralja Petra 46 Makers Jam Session je jedinstven interaktivan, kolaborativni događaj, zamišljen kao neformalan nastavak konferencije art+science:makers....
Poseban dramsko-umetnički doživljaj u okviru ovogodišnje art+science+makers manifestacije pripremio je Izvanredni BOB, nagrađivani medijski umetnik iz Beograda. Predstava BUFFER je...
У оквиру манифестације art+science+makers, у просторијама Мејкерс спејса организоваће се TOM:Belgrade Мејкатон. Ово je јединствени регионални догађај који има за циљ да...