Open call for artists from Serbia: MUSAE S+T+ARTS artist residency

Open call: from October 24 to November 24, 2023, at 12:00 p.m.

Are you interested in researching the role of food in human and planetary well-being? MUSAE invites artists who provide critical reflection and consider the future potential and challenges of the Food as Medicine theme, creating future scenarios and artworks.

The first open call of MUSAE in Serbia represents a unique opportunity for Serbian artists to explore the future challenges of the food production, supply and consumption system by applying the innovative method Design Futures through Art (Design Futures Art-driven / DFA). The scenarios developed in this way will serve as a starting point for the second open call of MUSAE and the residency in 2024.

Number of selected artists: 2 artists

Duration of residency: 3 months

You can find out more details about this Call at this link.

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