The finale of the "Landscape Possibilities" exhibition in the KCB gallery Podroom

The final event of the art+science 2023 exhibition unfolded on Friday, November 10, at 6 p.m., in the KCB gallery Podroom. The exhibition "Landscape Possibilities" ended with a conversation with Stefan Laxnes, the artist whose work "Learning from the Commons" was presented at the venue.

What happens when a community of citizens wants to transform the landscape? Talking about the landscape transformation, the discussion revolved around the growing trend across Europe, where communities claim their right to reshape their immediate surroundings for the enduring well-being of the collective. The artist-led conversation, designed as a guided tour through the exhibition, provided an immersive exploration of various initiatives for landscape restoration and potential sites of environmental conflicts.

Other authors whose artworks were presented in the Podroom gallery attended the closing event.

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