Open Call for Experimenta Le Salon 2025

In the framework of the Biennale EXPERIMENTA 2025, Atelier Arts Sciences is launching a call for projects for EXPERIMENTA, the Fair which will take place in Grenoble, France, from February 19-22, 2025.

Atelier Arts Sciences is a joint research laboratory shared by CEA, a French research center, a key player in scientific and technological research, and Hexagone Scène Nationale, a theatre based in Meylan, region in southeast of France.

You are leading a project at the crossroad between arts, sciences and technologies? You are interested in presenting your work publicly, getting feedback from the audience and making new professional connections? EXPERIMENTA is opening its doors to you – apply and get your project selected for EXPERIMENTA 2025 program.

Deadline for applications: January 21, 2024, and all necessary information are on this link.

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