Human, AI, or Hybrid?

Athens Digital Arts Festival (ADAF) wishes you a happy year full of creativity, inspiration, and innovation! 2024 marks a milestone year for the festival, as the 20th-anniversary edition of ADAF will take place in spring and autumn 2024 in Athens, Greece, and online, respectively, under the theme Techno(s)cene. In the spirit of embracing the global artistic community and ensuring that every human, AI, or hybrid creator has the opportunity to participate in this celebration of digital culture, we announce the extension of the call for entries until January 20, 2024, at


Since its inception in 2005 until today, the festival has been a platform for showcasing all forms of digital art, exploring the intersection of art, technology, and science. Over the years, ADAF has evolved into a dynamic, multidimensional space of creativity and artistic innovation, reflecting the ever-changing landscape of digital arts and showcasing new artistic voices. Collaboration with creators experimenting with various media and challenging their boundaries has been a timeless privilege for ADAF, creating new realities and immersive experiences in each edition.


For the 20th anniversary edition, the Athens Digital Arts Festival, titled Techno(s)cene, honors its history while setting the pace for the future of the event. Drawing inspiration from the terms technocene and technoscience, ADAF 2024 reflects how technology has become a new environment—a dominant force permeating our lives, perceptions, and creative expressions. Simultaneously, it highlights the transformative power of technology and science. Techno(s)cene explores different aspects and alternative proposals—dystopian or utopian—within these fields through the perspectives of artists, whether they are humans, AI machines, or hybrids. For ADAF, Techno(s)cene is a celebration of the digital culture scene—of the people participating in it as creators or spectators, making the festival a dynamic platform.


For 2024 edition, ADAF invites creators from different fields and communities who challenge conventions, reclaim narratives, and ignite the collective imagination to become part of this unique event. We invite artists, scientists, intellectuals, technologists, and creators from every corner of the world to contribute to the diverse spectrum of ADAF 2024: Techno(s)cene by submitting their applications by January 20, 2024, at in the categories: Video Art, Animation, Digital Image, Installation, Web Art, Games, VR/AR/XR, Talks, Workshops, Kids, Performance, and Music. All applications will be considered for inclusion in the 20th edition, both physical and online, which will take place in Spring and Fall 2024, respectively. Shortlisted artists will be notified regarding the status of their application and details about the possible presentation of their work in either or both festival versions.

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