art+science Festival International Week

The third week of the art+science festival was marked by the participation of three esteemed curators and interdisciplinary researchers from Austria, Romania, and Bulgaria.

The Center for the Promotion of Science welcomed Dr. Claudia Schnugg, a researcher and curator from Austria; Dr. Emilia Paunescu, an artist and founder of the NOVA festival in Romania; and Dr. Cvetana Ivanova, a researcher and curator from Bulgaria.

The three guests first had the opportunity to engage in discussions with students, young artists and faculty members from the University of Arts in Belgrade. Dr. Claudia Schnugg and Dr. Cvetana Ivanova presented their research and past projects at the Faculty of Fine Arts, while Dr. Emilia Paunescu showcased her artistic practice and the NOVA festival at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts.

As the central segment of this part of the programme, a panel discussion titled How to Navigate Art and Science Collaborations? was held at the Botanical Garden, attended by students from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Department of Management and Production alongside the general public. Dr. Bojan Kenig from the Center for the Promotion of Science, co-selector of this year’s program and a longstanding mentor and initiator of numerous national art/science collaborations and projects, also participated in the discussion. The panel was moderated by Dobrivoje Lale Erić, Head of the art+science programme.

During their stay in Belgrade, the guests met with local artists whose works are featured in the Interlacing exhibition at the Botanical Garden to establish contacts and initiate potential future collaborations and networking. These discussions focused on the possibility of exhibiting the works of Serbian artists at festivals and exhibitions across Europe.

Dr. Claudia Schnugg’s visit was supported by the Austrian Cultural Forum in Belgrade, a partner of the art+science programme since its inception and the first public events back in 2015.

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