CPN at the STF Festival and MODINA Project Seminar in Tallinn 

The Center for the Promotion of Science presented the European Digital Deal project, the art+science programme, and its productions at the STF Festival in Tallinn in early October.

The STF Festival, a prestigious annual gathering of artists and researchers who connect contemporary technologies with performance arts, was held in Tallinn, Estonia, from 26 September to 5 October 2024. During the Festival, the MODINA project, supported through the EU Creative Europe programme, organized several thematic segments including presentations of interdisciplinary projects, discussions with participating artists and researchers, and a seminar in a hybrid format. The project regularly publishes calls for interdisciplinary research by artists and scientists, and on this occasion, they announced the next cycle, which will involve a team from Serbia.

Dobrivoje Lale Erić, head of the art+science programme, participated in a session within the MODINA seminar, presenting the Center’s activities under the European Digital Deal project, the art+science programme and productions which link research on the human body, brain, and movement, using various technologies, methodologies and artistic practices.

The visit to Tallinn also provided an opportunity for several meetings with different research groups from Tallinn University, including the Resonant Memories project team, which has the winning work under the European Digital Deal project. This project, under the auspices of the Center for the Promotion of Science, is being implemented in Serbia in 2024 and 2025. The work will premiere at the 10th edition of the art+science festival in October 2025.

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