About project
Europe, as a shared natural environment, is facing significant environmental challenges. The territory of the former Yugoslavia, being one of the areas particularly exposed to pollution, becomes a focal point for positive change to which the project aims to contribute. In collaboration with partners from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, and Croatia the project seeks to explore environmental protection issues by engaging a broader professional, artistic, and activist community. Advocating for sustainable development through participatory bio art installations, Bio Awaking aims to raise awareness of the role art can play in sustainability processes.
The specific objectives of the project include developing a network of bio artists across Europe, strengthening the capacities of European artists in utilizing biomaterials, and creating bio art installations using environmental samples. Additionally, the project will focus on involving decision-makers in all phases of the process, fostering an audience for bio art that supports environmental conservation, and nurturing cultural, artistic, and educational collaboration in addressing environmental challenges in Europe and the Balkans.
- Studijska poseta UR Institutu u DubrovnikuU okviru međunarodnog programa BioAwaking, UR Institut otvara vrata svojih istraživačko-razvojnih laboratorija u Dubrovniku umetnicima i producentima umetnosti zainteresovanim za produkciju umetnosti povezane sa biotehnologijom (BioArt). Pozivamo sve pojedince koji su učestvovali u prethodnim aktivnostima programa BioAwaking (radionice, forumi, izložbe,… Read more: Studijska poseta UR Institutu u Dubrovniku
- Poziv na drugu „uradi sam“ bio-art radionicuCentar za promociju nauke, zajedno sa partnerima iz Srbije, Hrvatske, Slovenije i Bosne i Hercegovine, sa zadovoljstvom najavljuje i poziva vas na drugu „uradi sam“ bio-art radionicu Ukoliko nam se priključite saznaćete: Kako koristiti žive ćelije kao materijal ili sredstvo… Read more: Poziv na drugu „uradi sam“ bio-art radionicu
- Bio Awaking u Novom Sadu: Izložbe, radionice i Mobilna laboratorija na Kaleidoskopu kultureU okviru festivala Kaleidoskop Kulture, koji se od 20. septembra do 5. oktobra održava u Novom Sadu, nastaviće se aktivnosti projekta Bio Awaking. Tokom trajanja manifestacije, publika će imati priliku da se, kroz različite formate događaja, upozna sa mogućim preplitanjima… Read more: Bio Awaking u Novom Sadu: Izložbe, radionice i Mobilna laboratorija na Kaleidoskopu kulture
- Intervju: Jurij Krpan – Mesto simbioze umetnosti i biotehnologije„Trudimo se da sledimo paradigmu biokompjutinga, koja bi trebalo da nam pomogne da shvatimo kako možemo da upotrebimo biološke procese u informacionim tehnologijama.“ Razgovarao: Đorđe Petrović Foto: Elvira Kakusi Sredinom maja, u Novom Sadu, Centar za promociju nauke i Udruženje… Read more: Intervju: Jurij Krpan – Mesto simbioze umetnosti i biotehnologije
- BioAwaking istražuje napredne laboratorijske prakseUčesnici projekta BioAwaking iz Srbije, Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegovine, posetili su Institut Kersnikova od 26. do 28. juna, kako bi istražili uspostavljene proizvodne platforme i funkcije njihovih laboratorija kroz prikaz različitih aktivnosti Instituta i razgovor o izazovima s kojima… Read more: BioAwaking istražuje napredne laboratorijske prakse
The main activities of the project include the Bio Art Forum, two "do-it-yourself" online bio-art workshops, two study visits to Slovenia and Croatia, a mobile laboratory scientific-artistic program, and two bio-art exhibitions at festivals in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The Bio Art Forum (May 16-18, 2024) in Novi Sad aims to stimulate dialogue on the challenges and perspectives of bio-art, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and innovative application of biotechnologies through expert discussions, interactive workshops, and discussions during three conference days.
Two "do-it-yourself" online bio-art workshops (May 2024 and January 2025) offer participants practical experience in non-institutional science led by the Universal Research Institute team. The workshops aim to inspire participants to create their home laboratories, promoting a culture of knowledge creation and developing environmentally responsible skills across partner countries.
The Bio Awaking project will organize study visits (June 2024 and March 2025) to the Kersnikova Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and the Universal Research Institute in Dubrovnik, Croatia, offering participants an impressive experience in bio-art and sustainability, focusing on processes related to the analysis, cultivation, and use of biomaterials used in artistic projects and installations. Participants can apply for study visits through an open call, with priority given to candidates engaged in ecological sustainability and biomaterials.
The Mobile Laboratory (September 2024 and June 2025) workshops will provide participants with the opportunity to engage in contemporary artistic practices involving biomaterials and living organisms. Led by experienced biotechnologists and scientists, the workshops will provide practical experience in working with biomedias, offering insight into laboratory protocols, while uncovering the interesting and practical side of science.
Exhibitions at festivals represent one of the key points of the Bio Awaking project. Bio-art pieces, created within the framework of the project, will be showcased at the Kaleidoscope Festival in Novi Sad, Serbia, in the revitalized industrial quarter during September 2024, and at the Pecka Outdoor Festival in Bosnia and Herzegovina in July 2025. The main focus of this activity will be outdoor workshops on nature, complemented by various cultural events, to attract a wider audience. By presenting significant biological artworks and demonstrating their impact on the environment, additional engagement of the audience and the broader public will be pursued, aiming to raise awareness of the mutual influence that art and the environment have on each other.
The "One Tree(s)" initiative (September 2025), planned as the final step of the project, symbolizes ecological awakening by planting cloned seeds of endangered species from the Western Balkans in all countries involved in the project. This act lays the groundwork for future exchange programs and joint engagement in nature conservation and environmental protection.
Developing Bio Art Practice in the Western Balkans
In the Western Balkans, this problem is particularly apparent. Over the past two decades, the region has grappled with a disparity between increasing pollution levels and the need for improved environmental management. Despite boasting rich biodiversity, the Western Balkans experience widespread habitat destruction, groundwater contamination, soil erosion, and air pollution due to industrial activities and inadequate waste management practices. Poor environmental practices underscore the need for concerted action to mitigate ecological degradation and promote sustainable development.
The Bio Awaking project emerges in a rapidly evolving global landscape where traditional notions of progress, driven by the development of science and technology, falter in the face of ecological crises. As climate change intensifies and biodiversity diminishes, it becomes evident that a paradigm shift is necessary - one that utilizes interdisciplinary collaboration and critical thinking to reconsider the role of science and technology in safeguarding the future of our planet.
The Bio Awaking project addresses these challenges through the dynamic fusion of art, science, and public engagement. Harnessing the transformative potential of bio-art, the project aims to stimulate dialogue and action around urgent environmental issues, empowering communities to advocate for change. Drawing inspiration from initiatives such as the European Green Deal and the New European Bauhaus, Bio Awaking seeks to catalyze a cultural shift towards environmental sustainability, positioning art and the humanities as drivers of social transformation.
One of the project's primary objectives is the democratization of bio-art practices, making them accessible to local organizations and fostering collaboration between artists and scientific researchers. Bio Awaking seeks to promote innovation in cultural and creative sectors through international exchange and capacity-building initiatives. By establishing long-term residency programs and advocating for the establishment of bio art laboratories in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, the project also aims to create a sustainable ecosystem of artistic innovation through environmental protection.

The Citizens' Association "Reactor" unites cultural managers and artists engaging with contemporary social issues using artistic and experimental practices. The current focus of "Reactor" is on collaborating with various artists exploring new forms of artistic expression, especially in biological and ethical practices. In 2022, they realized the Biofabrika project, supported by the European Capital of Culture - Novi Sad 2022, which promoted bio-art through experimenting with SCOBY biodegradable material (a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast). The main purpose of this material is to offer alternative solutions for environmental preservation, such as replacing plastic as the planet's biggest pollutant, but its significant potential in textile replacement has also been discovered.

The Kersnikova Institute is a cultural and educational organization and a production platform for artists and projects intersecting at the nexus of art, science, and technology. Alongside developing and exhibiting artworks in the Kapelica Gallery, the organization has an extensive program of educational activities, partly supported by a network of wet and mechatronic laboratories. With decades of experience collaborating with artists on new projects involving living systems, biotechnologies, and a recent focus on artificial intelligence, as well as new peer-to-peer, do-it-yourself, open-source, and hands-on learning approaches within educational activities, the platform has expanded through collaboration with experts, institutions, and the business sector, all integrated into the Institute's creative processes.

The Universal Research Institute (UR Institute), a Croatian non-governmental think tank organization, pioneers interdisciplinary applied scientific research and projects, advocating for STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) in sustainable development. UR Institute is dedicated to fostering social and cultural progress, with a special focus on research, innovation, STEAM education, cultural production, and cross-sectoral cooperation. Research areas encompass biotechnology, environmental engineering, cybernetics, experimental electronics, bioelectronics/biorobotics, and art-science connections, emphasizing participatory research and socially beneficial innovations. UR Institute champions DIY and DIWO culture, knowledge freedom, and scientific inquiry.

The Center for the Promotion of Science (CPN), a public institution from Belgrade, Serbia, was established in 2010 to promote and communicate science, technology, and innovation. CPN collaborates with research and educational institutions at all levels in Serbia and worldwide. It closely cooperates with relevant ministries, media, the private sector, and civil society. CPN's goal is to influence and adapt the general research agenda to reflect society's needs. Methodologies of citizen science research and co-creation, artistic and scientific collaboration, and various educational programs rooted in the STEAM concept are instrumental and leading approaches in CPN's work.

Greenways, a nonprofit association from Bosnia and Herzegovina, initiates social, economic, and ecological innovations aimed at sustainable development. The association's vision is to empower the community to lead prosperous lives while preserving the existing ecosystem. Greenways nurtures community dedication and value-based initiatives, drawing on diverse expertise in agribusiness, policy development, environmental advocacy, and fundraising. With extensive experience in managing international projects, including EU IPA Cross-border and Erasmus+, we strive for impactful, well-managed interventions that create economic, ecological, and social value.
The Creative Europe program of the European Union supports activities that promote cultural diversity and respond to the needs and challenges of the cultural and creative sectors. The main objectives of the program are to safeguard the competitiveness and economic potential of the cultural and creative sectors, particularly the audiovisual sector. The program's new approach will contribute to the recovery of these sectors by supporting their efforts to become more inclusive, digitalized, and sustainable in their environment.

The project is co-funded by the Creative Europe program of the European Union under grant agreement No. 10112849. The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union or the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the funding body can be held responsible for them.