„Resonant Memories“ secured residency as part of EU Digital Deal Initiative

A team of researchers and artists from the University of Tallinn has been chosen for a residency at the Center for the Promotion of Science, as part of the EU Digital Deal initiative. Through their project, „Resonant Memories“, they aim to bridge generational gaps by creating interactive artistic artifacts and audio components, fostering empathy and overcoming digital disparities.

The residency, hosted by the Center for the Promotion of Science, will focus on examining the impact of rapid digitalization on the older demographic. The project's objective is to address the disconnect between younger and older generations in Serbia by collaborating on tangible artistic creations rooted in the memories of seniors.

Yulia Sion, Nuno N. Correia and Clopy Diaz Reyes seek to actively engage in bridging this gap by incorporating haptic feedback and audio elements into their artifacts, allowing visitors to immerse themselves sensorially in the memories of the elderly and promoting empathy among younger individuals. By emphasizing touch and sound, the project aims to establish a more intimate connection among participants.

The expert jury is confident in the project's potential to tackle complex issues like digital exclusion among seniors through artistic means, stimulating a sense of collective responsibility by challenging the perceptions and emotions of older individuals. They anticipate significant impact not only in Serbia but also in other regions where the project will be presented.

The authors will develop their work in both Belgrade and Tallinn throughout 2024 and 2025, with the initial presentation planned for the art+science event in Belgrade in 2025.

European Digital Deal

The European Digital Deal initiative explores the direct influence of accelerated digital transformation and emerging technologies on European democratic values and systems. A consortium of 13 partners, led by Ars Electronica from Linz, Austria, collaborates to investigate how artistic perspectives can drive sustainable innovation amidst these changes.

In addition to the residency at the Center for the Promotion of Science, 11 other artistic residencies across Europe have been selected to delve into the intricate relationship between new technologies and democracy. For further details on the project developed by researchers and artists from the University of Tallinn at the Center for the Promotion of Science, as well as information about other residency recipients, please visit the provided HERE.

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